The Developmental Core will implement a multifaceted program entitled, Building the nExt GeneRation of resEArchers to End TB (BE GREAT), to enhance, stimulate, and expand the TB research community at the Emory/Georgia TRAC partner institutions. Our Developmental Core will build on a strong existing TB research infrastructure and institutional resources with a focus on enhancing career development of early stage investigators (ESIs) and attracting promising new investigators to the field.
The Developmental Core Strives to carry out the following aims
Provide professional and career development support for ESIs focused on TB-related research careers.
Provide mentorship and training for TB investigators.
Provide short-term research funding to ESIs and investigators new to TB through pilot grants.
Developmental Core Services
The Developmental Core can provide career development support, including proposal development and grant writing skills. We can pair new innovative training in grantwriting with access and linkage to existing programs throughout TRAC institutions.
The core can solicit appropriate subject matter experts in order to provide review and feedback of existing research proposals.
Mock study section reviews can be arranged to prepare investigators for submission of grant applications to external funding sources.
The core periodically collaborates with the Georgia CTSA to facilitate 10-week courses on effective science communication to help investigators connect with audiences and disseminate their works.
The Core can facilitate connection to mentors for Early Stage Investigators (ESI), as well as people pursuing careers in TB. The core also provides training on Global Health/Cross Cultural mentoring to enhance global health research collaborations.