Clinical and Population Science
About the Core
The focus of the Clinical & Population Science Core (CPS Core) is to foster TB investigators interested in conducting scientifically rigorous, impactful clinical and epidemiologic research along the full spectrum of TB exposure, infection, and disease.
The CPS Core provides a home for TB research resources for the current large cadre of TB scientists and growing pool of investigators interested in TB research. Leveraging the unique bridge between science, public health, and policy that is reflected in the Emory/Georgia TRAC is an ideal embodiment of bench to bedside to community that will ensure maximal public health impact. The CPS Core’s overarching goal is to increase multi-disciplinary collaborations by building awareness of TRAC clinical research sites, facilitating connections between investigators and Clinical Core faculty based on research interests, and supporting bidirectional travel.
CPS Core Services
Obtaining input from community advisory board (CAB) on research needs, engagement with potential study population, evaluating proposed study procedures and informed consent processes, and evaluating study implementation and impact.
Development of study aims; selecting study population; sample size determination; power calculations; randomization schema; interim safety/efficacy monitoring
Exemplar protocols; operationalization of grant activities into study procedures and assistance with protocol development; creation of study visit schedule, including planning for unscheduled visits; formatting protocol into required IRB template
Library of SOPs to be modified/adapted for specific study: TB specific, HIV specific, and general study procedures
Library of data collection forms:
- TB specific forms: measuring exposure, screening for signs and symptoms, latent TB infection, TB disease and drug-resistance, chest radiography, treatment adherence, treatment outcomes, close contacts.
- General test result forms: HbA1c, pregnancy, HIV, vital signs, malaria, parasites.
- HIV specific results forms: CD4, viral load, ART prescription and adherence.
- General study forms: screening, enrollment/consent, medical history questionnaire, locator information, specimen tracking, study exit.
Clinical and Population Sciences Team

Clinical and Population Science Contact Information
Atlanta, GA 30322