Upcoming Events

April 14, 2025 11am EST, UGA Global Health Spring Seminar Series: The Biology and Ontogeny of Alveolar Macrophages Across the Age Spectrum. Larry Schlesinger, MD, President and CEO of Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio Texas. Hybrid: S175 Coverdell Center, 500 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602 and Zoom [Flyer | Download to Calendar]


April 24, 2025 12-1:30pm, Emory Rollins School of Public Health [Flyer | Register here] Meet fellow early-stage TB investigators, including PhD students, post docs and fellows to network, create community and learn about the value of peer mentoring and discuss future opportunities to be offered through the Emory/Georgia TRAC. The session will be led by Dr. Dawn Comeau, TRAC's Director of Mentor Training and Professor at Rollins School of Public Health. In-person only - registration required. 


May 14, 2025 8-10am, Emory Rollins School of Public Health & via Zoom [Flyer | Register hereJanet Gross, PhD will lead a 2-hour workshop to review NIH R21 NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Project Grant Funding Opportunities - R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed (PA-25-304) and Clinical Trial Required (PA-25-306). The focus will be on understanding the funding opportunity, and planning your grant proposal and research strategy. If you are interested in putting together a TB research proposal this workshop is geared to helping you prepare for a competitive application.


4th Thursday of the month starting January 23rd, 10-11am. [Flyer] [Download to CalendarDrop in to receive one-on-one supportfrom Emory University informaticists with ‘omics’ study design and data analysis for tuberculosis research - including bulk and single cell transcriptomics, metabolomics and lipidomics.  

Past Events and Presentations:

December 6 and 10, 2024 TB HACK DAY & INTRO SESSION [Flyer]
A hands-on workshop and hack day led by Emory University informaticists with virtual presentations from the University of Washington’s Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEATRAC)! Featured guest speaker Dr. Alex Shalek, Massachusetts Institite of Technology. The goal of the workshop was to collaborate in small groups to learn and refine analytic approaches to bulk and single cell transcriptional data.

Summer/Fall 2024 - TRAC Influential Mentoring Workshop Series: The TRAC Influential Mentors series comprises five virtual sessions that focus on recent scholarship on mentorship, tools for mentors and mentees to strengthen relationships, mentoring across cultures, and building mentoring programs. One session features a panel discussion where experienced mentors and mentees will share best practices and lessons learned. This series is tailored for TB research mentors and mentees from various backgrounds and ranks. Participants who attend four out of five sessions will receive a certificate, however registered participants can attend select sessions. The sessions are led by Dr. Dawn Comeau, Director of Mentor Training at Emory’s TRAC and Professor at Rollins School of Public Health. [Flyer

October 22, 2024. Public Databases for TB Research Lecture Series: Creating a global individual participant data platform for tuberculosis treatment (TB-IPD)Ruth Goodall, PhD, Principal Research Fellow and Head of Statistics, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology, University College London. [Flyer

September 26, 2024. UGA Global Health Seminar Fall Series: Targeted Mass Tuberculosis Screening in Global Settings: Experiences from China and Brazil. Leo Martnez, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, Boston University. [Flyer]

September 19, 2024. SOM DOM ID Seminar: NTCA Guidelines for Respiratory Isolation and Restrictions to Reduce Transmission of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Community Settings.  Maunank Shah, MD, PhD, Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins (JH) School of Medicine, Director of the Clinical Core for the JH TB Research Advancement Center, and Medical Director for the Baltimore City Tuberculosis Program. [Flyer]

September 19, 2024. Small Group Training Session on Metabolomics. The goal of the small group metabolomics training sessions is to provide instruction on the analysis of metabolomics data in TB research. The goal of this session will be to practice applying computational tools to your own metabolomics data. For those who don’t yet have data to work with, we will provide a publicly available dataset. [Flyer]

August 27, 2024. Public Databases for TB Research Lecture Series: Using data from the US Veterans Health Administration for cohort analyses related to tuberculosis research. Sixth in a series of interactive seminars on TB-related public databases. Participants will be guided through how to identify, access, and analyze data.Presented by Anjali Khakharia, MS, MBBS, Senior Biostatistician, Emory School of Medicine, Department of Geriatric and Gerontology, and Matthew Magee, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health.  [Flyer]

August 5, 2024. Small Group Training Session: Metabolomics. The goal of the small group metabolomics training sessions is to provide instruction on the analysis of metabolomics data in TB research. The second session focused on metabolomics analysis. [Flyer]

May 15th, 2024. TB Trials Consortium Spring Meeting Reception. [Flyer]

May 14th, 2024. Best Practices for Community Engagement Training (in-person only. Coordinated by Mike Frick (Treatment Action Group) and Laia Ruiz Mingote.Co-taught by TBTC’s Community Research Advisors Group. [Flyer]

May 3rd, 2024. Small Group Training Session: Metabolomics. The goal of the small group metabolomics training sessions is to provide instruction on the analysis of metabolomics data in TB research. The first session provided an overview of the field of metabolomics, possible experimental approaches, and study design considerations for TB research. [Flyer]

April 23rd, 2024. Public Databases For TB Research Lecture Series: “Data Sources Informing GBD TB Research and Applications”, Hmwe Hmwe Kyu, MBBS, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Health Metrics Sciences, School of Medicine, and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington. (Flyer)

Visiting Professor Lecture Series: Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD, FCAHS, FRSC, Professor, Department of Global and Public Health, McGill School of Population and Global Health. 

  • April 11th, 2024. "Shifting Power in Global Health Via Allyship." Lecture, discussion, Q&A, and reception. (Flyer | Recording).
  • April 12th, 2024. "Closing the Know-Do Gap in TB Care." (Flyer)

February 29th, 2024. Visiting Professor Lecture Series:"DM and TB Intersection: The Linked Epidemics", Yosra Alkabab, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Transplant Infectious Disease at the Medical University of South Carolina. (Flyer)

February 28th, 2024. Grant Writing Workshop for the NIH R01 on International Research in Infectious Diseases: "Systems Biology Approaches to Dissect Host Determinants of TB Risk", Janet Gross, PhD & Russell Kempker MD, MSc.

February 14th, 2024. Visiting Professor Lecture Series: "Systems Biology Approaches to Dissect Host Determinants of TB Risk", Sara Suliman, PhD, MPH, University of Toronto and Hospital for Sick Children. (Flyer)

February 13th, 2024. Public Databases For TB Research Lecture Series: “NCBI Data Resources for Tuberculosis Research”, Rana Morris, PhD, Michael Feldgarden, PhD and E. Sally Chang, PhD. (Flyer)

December 13th, 2023. In collaboration with the University of Washington’s Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEATRAC) our first 'TB Hack Day', a hands-on training on analytic pipelines for bulk and single cell transcriptomics data, as well as a small-group hack time with publicly available datasets. (Flyer)

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Administrative Contact Information

1518 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30322